
Port Noarlunga Beach, South Australia, ch8




Порт Ноарлунга - идеальный семейный пляж.  Фото: Адам Брюзон / SATC
Port Noarlunga – the perfect family beach. Read the rest of this entry »

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Where to stay the night in Kimberly? H. 3

El hotel rooms are Questo, designed to fit any budget. Photo

I hope so, you will sleep in the exclusive Manor, But if it does not work, you will still have brain explosion. Where else can you stay and for 2000 USD, and for the price of just a mug of beer Read the rest of this entry »

What you need to know when visiting El Questo in Kimberley, ч2

Курорт Эль Квесто предлагает различные виды отдыха - от кемпинга до роскошных апартаментов.

Resort El Questo offers various leisure activities - from camping to luxury apartments.

A few tips for, so you had a good time.

Don't make errors, which I did for the first time:

Plan your route in advance, get up early. Read the rest of this entry »

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