национальный парк

Любопытные факты о Тасмании, ч5


Cradle Mountain National Park - Lake Saint Clair.



Cradle Mountain National Park / The cradle is in 2 hour drive from Launceston, but this scenic trip deserves a full weekend, to discover different stop. Read the rest of this entry »

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Kakadu National Park: Когда бронировать кемпинг, ч3

Jim Jim Falls, Kakadu National Park. Photo: Instagram / isometimestravel

Recently, finally wakes up the interest of Australians to the wealth of their large "outskirts" and desire to discover one of our most beautiful and natural secrets. Read the rest of this entry »

Kakadu National Park: Австралийские малоисследованные места раскрывают свои секреты, ч2

«Желтая Вода» в Национальном парке Какаду.  Фото: Туризм в Австралии / Элленор Аргайропулос.

"Yellow water cruise in Kakadu National Park. Photo: Tourism in Australia / Ellenor Argajropulos.


This place twice is a UNESCO World Heritage site, Firstly thanks to ancient Aboriginal culture, and secondly through epic landscapes and wildlife, that Kakadu is staggering. Read the rest of this entry »

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