
The tribe of Australian Aborigines




The tribe is the main social unit of society Aboriginal. The first European settlers in Australia to describe the indigenous people often use the terms "tribe" and "leader" in the sense, which was adopted in Aboriginal Americas or the Pacific Islands.

However, the concept of "leader", strictly speaking, not apply to Aboriginal community, and even the concept of "tribe" has no meaning here that social, What we usually put into it.

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Family and Kinship in the lives of Aboriginal

In the life of the Aboriginal race as a social unit has played a much smaller role, than the local group, which united the family vzaimorodstvennye, cohesive daily life within its territorial possessions.

The group members worked together not only to meet personal needs. Food is distributed according to the rules, complied with the special interests of the elderly and the young generation.

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The religious culture of the Aboriginal

To understand the structure of society Aboriginal, first of all you need to know a good specificity and strength of religious feeling, permeate its structure. Particularly evident influence of religion in relation to the land. Ownership of land in the European sense of the aborigines there was no. The territory passed from generation to generation. Most land is owned by its inhabitants, and not vice versa. After all, she served as the abode of the spirits of ancestors, laid the beginning of beginnings; Land was seen as something more than entrusted to the care of the tribe, and not for practical use.

Delivery (groups of people, related to the origin from a common ancestor) jealously guarded traditional habitats, along with magical rituals, totems and songs.

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