
The emergence of the Commonwealth




The emergence of the Commonwealth of Australia was the first event of the twentieth century. Decision on its establishment in force 1 January 1901. But it was still not enough time, before the Australian continent have an independent nation and mature industrial society, we see today.

Australia came into the twentieth century. in a state of economic recovery, who succeeded depression, caused by the crisis of sheep. Over 90 doubled crop spare, and although livestock continued to dominate the economy of the country, agriculture has become more diversified.

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Strengthening the central government

In the political life of Australia during the period from 1901 along 1914 There were special groups, speakers in defence of free trade, and protectionist groups, While the Labour Party held the balance of power and eventually encouraged the introduction of tariffs.

Other important events of the period under review was the provision of pensions to the elderly and the adoption of the system of conciliation and arbitration in industrial disputes.

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Australia's Foreign Policy and Defense Council

The Australian Government, though he did not have autonomy in foreign policy, showed a clear interest in the Pacific. Australian delegates defended their country's interests at the conference on colonies 1902 and at imperial conferences 1907 and 1911. In 1909 was established as High Commissioner for Australia in London.

Australia made no specific claims to an independent foreign policy, but wanted to convey their wishes to the British Government and obtain information about the policy of Great Britain. Australia has also expressed interest in national defence.

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