Coal deposits near the Newcastle operated with 1800, and coal was one of the first items of Australian exports. Anthracite coal, and rare poluantratsitnye, but other types of coal reserves are large.
The main deposits of bituminous (coking and steam) carbons are in the Bowen Basin (in Квинсленде) and Sydney (in New South Wales); Some layers reach a power 18 m and can be developed by open (particularly in the Bowen Basin).
This is also interesting:
The program of exploration of oil fields, began in 1950 with government support, contributed to a clear separation, at least 20 sedimentary basins; one in nine are now producing oil.
The most important deposits are located in areas Gipslend (Victoria), Карнарвон (Western Australia), Bonaparte (N.T. and Western Australia) and Cooper-Éromanga (South Australia and Квинсленд). In 1995-1996 were extracted 30 Billion. liters of oil, in Almost half of the pool Gipslend.
Australia has almost reached the level of oil self-sufficiency, export of crude oil and condensate production in 1994-1995 was 35 млн. л, and imports - 77 млнMillionwhlh is much less than the level of local production.
Australia - the main producer of zinc and lead, which often occur together with silver. The most important area of production of these metals - Mount Isa - Klonkarri in the western Квинсленде, there ore is supplied to enrichment facilities in Mount Ayse and Townsville.
Older, but still significant areas of extraction of these metals - Xian-Dundas in Tasmania (with 1882) and Broken Hill in the west- New South Wales (with 1883). In terms of metal content in 1995-1996 was produced 774 Thd. tons of lead ore. In the same year it was produced 1,3 Million. tons of zinc.